Not Ready To Say Goodbye

Not Ready To Say Goodbye

I sometimes wonder if you were ready to let me go.

— Alex Jones

I am not yet ready to say goodbye, and there are still so many things I wish I could tell you. It is hard to hold back the tears, when I think of the precious years we had spent as sisters followed by the haunting years we had missed.

The same tears that would silence me when I think of the years to come that I would spend without you. There is nothing in the world I wouldn’t give, just to see your face and hold your hand, even only one more time. I asked God if we could spend just one more day together. My life has just never been the same, and I need just a little more time. 

I need to catch my breath, and lift the weight from my heart, even for just a moment. If God could just look into my heart, and see how broken it is, He might consider giving me five more minutes. I won’t tell anybody, and no-one would see. Just this once. Just for me. Just to survive. Just to feel something other than excruciating soul and heartbreak.

Without you, my soul is in so much pain, and breathing hurts with each breath I take. I sometimes struggle to pick up the pieces, and I regularly ask God to show me, and teach me how to live out the rest of her life, without you. 

I sometimes wonder if you were ready to leave, and whether you were ready to let me go. 

Do you sometimes negotiate with God as I do? I sometimes wonder for just a moment, if the stars hadn’t perhaps, made a mistake. Sometimes, I want to ask God to check His paperwork, perhaps the demons had gotten the address, and the names wrong. Perhaps it was as simple as a clock that was set wrong, and perhaps, their timing was just totally off. Sometimes, I want to know the name of the monster that so carelessly and mercilessly destroyed our hearts, and most days, I want to ask God to check, because it just can’t be.

It all had to be a mistake. It had to be the wrong home. It had to be the wrong time. Did the demons perhaps come for the previous tenants? There was no prior warning, no indication and nothing to say that an evil was on his way to our home. There was not enough time. We needed more time. I needed to have more time with you. My heart needed more of you. My soul needs yours. For more. For longer. 

Perhaps, if I whispered into God’s ear that if it was a mistake, I would never tell anyone if He would just bring my sisters back to me. I won’t tell a soul, and I would never say a word. As though it never happened, we would simply live out the rest of our days quietly with one another. Instead, I asked God again to carefully open the red balloon, and hand my shattered heart over to you, because I know His angels follow His plans flawlessly.


People like us, we’ve had our share of lessons and our fees have been paid. We’ve learned how useful we are to those we owe our survival. We’ve learned who judges us, and who acts as our executioners.

Tears have flowed. Waves of sorrow have threatened to drown us. These people, they don’t know the shatters inside of us. They don’t know about broken hearts, and broken tears. They don’t know that we have judged ourselves harshly, and that we execute our us’ness every single day.

Some say they’ll be there for us, but they don’t know how to. They don’t know what to say, and they don’t know that we hear their silence. Loudly. For some, we’ll never be complete or whole. For others, our survival is hanging by a thread. They don’t know.

Some think the toxicity has made us toxic, and that we’re covered in one big scab, waiting to be pulled off. They don’t see us the way we see ourselves. They don’t feel the way we feel. They don’t know what we know. They don’t know how hard we find it to dream again. To hope again. To love again. To live again. To find joy again. We work hard at it, every single day. We wake up, every single day. We show up, every single day. As easy it is to others, it’s hardest for us.

Our mistakes are many, but it only shows that we aren’t afraid of life anymore. We no longer dread failure and loneliness, and we no longer battle the nights and the mornings. We can never get a do-over and begin again. We can never change what once changed us. We can never be unbroken, only repaired.

Some days, we don’t know how we got to where we are and most days, it doesn’t matter. We got here. We’ve fought many wars to get where we were going. We once, didn’t think we would.

Alex 😀

The Devil Wore My Father

This is the part of my journey where I speak about you and hopefully, to you. I hope that after reading this, you will realize that the abuse you suffered was never your fault, and that speaking out was the right and only thing you could do.
I know you are trying to overcome and accept your scars, your fight and your pain. I know you feel guilty about surviving, and I hope I can teach you to celebrate your victory.
I know that you have spent every moment since you found your voice to choose right over wrong, even when others didn’t. I know you get up and show up each day, even though you’d rather crawl into a hole, and live there forever.
I know you are clinging to a life that has let you down, that confuses you, that has betrayed you, and that has desperately disappointed you. I know you are holding on for dear life.
I know that you sometimes can’t breathe when the waves of sorrow come crashing down on you. I know you are trying to find your place in a broken world, filled with broken people.
I know you force a smile, when all you really want to do is cry. I know how much you hate yourself each time you look in the mirror, unable to find a reason to love yourself.
I know you are trying, even when no-one else can see it. I am trying too. I am with you. Believe only this if you can believe nothing else.
If you had told me a week before I woke up different that I would be stronger, braver and determined to banish my monsters back into the abyss, this time without me and my sisters, I would never have believed you.
I was afraid, I was complicit, I thought I was loved, but more than anything, I loved the boogeyman. One morning, I woke up different, and so will you.
You will be removed from those against you when you figure out who those are that serve you.
You will no longer care about those who watch from the sidelines, unable to commit to picking a side. Those that pretend not to know, not to hear, and not to see.
You will discard all that no longer offers you peace. You will value your opinion more – others won’t matter so much.
Your only validation will come from you, no-one else.
Loyalty will first be for you.
You will reclaim the you that was once stolen from you, and from the world. You will reclaim your heart, body, mind and soul. You will eventually reclaim your joy and your happiness. You will ultimately reclaim that inner you that was stolen by the monsters of your days and of your nights.
More than anything, for the remainder of your life, you will remember that you were called to a war, many others weren’t. Perhaps you’ve seen too much. Perhaps you’ve felt too much and been through more than you should have. Perhaps, you’ve been asked too much of, and perhaps, you’ve lost too much of yourself along the way.
I am here to tell you that all the too-much’es can never dim your beauty, your strength and your you’ness. You will find your way, because despite the too-much’es, you are still here. You are chosen because of the too-much’es, others would never have survived.
It happened to you, it isn’t you. It doesn’t define you and it will never be who you are. Their truth will never be your truth. You are grace.

Alex :D<

Broken Life

It was never easy to write my mother a letter in which I detailed our nightly encounters with a boogeyman that wore the mask of her husband. I must have re-written it a dozen times before I realized that it would never be less cruel, and it would never be something she would ever want to read. The words in that letter would never change, and there was no way to write her any other letter, that would make it any less devastating.

I held onto that letter for days, unable to gather the strength or nerve to hand it to her. More than once, I crumpled it, unable to go through with slipping the note in her hand. My timing had to be flawless, except, I never knew when it would be less crushing, less shattering and less heartbreaking.

In the letter I told her about the boogeyman and his monsters. I told her that it was not her husband, but an evil being who had taken the form of our father. I told her not to worry, because he must have been safe somewhere, and that he would come back to us someday. I just knew he would.

I told her about the door handle that turned at night, and that no matter where I hid, be it under the bed, in the closet, or in my sisters’ bedroom, he still found me. I told her that sometimes, he’d bring others with him and that it scared me. I told her not to cry because we were still okay, but that I worried about my Lily. 

I told her that I thought the monster was what was making her sick, and what had brought the seizures to her. I told her that Lisa was crying, but that she couldn’t see her tears. They were bouncing around inside of her.

I told her that we knew he was beating her and we would hear her cry in the night. I asked her to stop him, we are afraid he might kill her. I told her about the firearm he kept hidden in his closet, and how often he brought it into my bedroom to remind me to keep our secret. I told her I had learned how to use it.

I told her that the next time he drove us at full speed, aiming for a solid brick wall, that he might not wantto stop and that we would ultimately hit the wall. I told her that I didn’t want my sisters to die.

I told her that when she left for the stores, to please let us go with her because when she left us behind, he did things to us. I told her that when she went to Church, and left me at home to keep an eye on him, he did things. I told her that sometimes, I could feel my heart beating so loudly that I hoped she could hear.

I told her that I wanted my father back, and that I wanted my sisters to live. I told her that I could remember the day it all began, and that it was the precise instant he left.

I told her that most nights, it was pitch black around me and that my eyes often struggled to penetrate the darkness, no matter which way I would turn. As the boogeyman would come closer, it would be as a diffused glow ahead of me.

I told her how heavily it weighed on my shoulders and how the darkness would brood and rotate around us all. Listening to the boogeyman’s threats made me feel isolated and secluded, and scared me like I had never known fear before.

I told her that as much as I wanted to run away from it all, I couldn’t move. I was frozen. I couldn’t fight. I was paralyzed. It was as though I was being slammed into invisible barriers all around me and that the piercing moaning of the boogeyman made it hard to breathe.

I told her that hell was our home and that the devil was living amongst us. It was waging a battle against us, trapping us in fear and striking out at us with each ounce of aggression he could muster up. 

I told her of the lies he has convinced himself would turn into the truth, desperate to erase his brutality. I told her that I hated him, and living one more moment with him would only guarantee more hatred, betrayal, hostility and pain. 

I told her that I knew she didn’t know, and that I knew she didn’t hear our screams. They were silent, bouncing around inside of us. I asked her to help us stop it, because I couldn’t stand one more night in the darkness. I told her my sisters wouldn’t survive.

And then, I told her how truly sorry I was, and how I wished we could go back to before.

Our lives were broken. Handing my mother that letter has turned into the single biggest regret of my life. It turned out to be the day I realized with shock that she knew and perhaps, she just didn’t want to admit it. After the letter, there was no way to deny the existence of the boogeyman, and still, she chose to discard my pleadings with her. 

When she showed my father the letter, it only opened the door for more violence, aggression and distrust. She knew him well enough to know that showing him my letter would betray me, and make way for distrust on his part.

I confided in her and in return, she left me feeling confused, ashamed and guilty. Since then, not a single day has gone by where I haven’t once felt good enough for her. She was not my mother, she was someone bad for me. He was not my father, he was the boogeyman.

My broken life was a part of who I was, it was never who I would become. For a while, I felt lost and alone. I lost sight of the fight and I thought I couldn’t do it without my mother. I needed her bravery and strength. I needed her guidance. I thought I needed her for life to be whole again.

I fought against the life I was born into. I struggled from that moment on to become better, and I made a conscious decision to do the right thing, all the time. Myonlygoal was to have others recognize that my broken life as a child, did not dictate my life as an adult. 

My father was a master manipulator, a drunk and an abuser. He was a monster who had invaded all that was once good about him.

My mother was and will remain vain and self-loving. There is nothing that can stand in her way of wealth and luxury; not even her children. My sisters have since refused to acknowledge and recognize the darkness that was once around us, and after all the years, they continue to defend my mother’s behaviour. 

By putting my broken life behind me, I have remained composed while my sisters developed resentment and antagonism towards society. They have embarked upon an unhealthy path of anger towards the world and everyone in it, everyone but our parents. They were left blinded by the darkness that had surrounded us, and they refused to consider a reality in which our lives were broken by our father, and then again, by our mother. 

Un-breaking my life, was as simple as rejecting feelings of self-pity and indignity that my mother had tried to instil in me. As much as a understood that I alone was responsible for my actions and who I would become someday, I had to remind myself that it was my responsibility to fit into a world that didn’t know how broken my life was.

The world owed me nothing more than what I was willing to work for. The world was not at fault for my broken life, or to be blamed for the people who were responsible for it. The world offered me a way to recover, and embark upon a whole new life. It was up to me to take it.

Into The Afterwards

I could hardly pin-point how I got to where I was. The Afterwards. There were angry words, and there were moments of uncomfortable and awkward silences. Yet, there I was, standing at what was to become the crossroads that would change my life forever. There was nothing much to say about anything. There was nothing at all that would make me understand where it all went wrong and how it all began.

What I didn’t realize at the time was that it was a life I was saying goodbye to forever, and as I took the road I never once dreamed I would take, I loitered for just a moment longer, my soul whispering for me to be brave and go, but my heart nudging me to take the road I had been taking each day for years. As though being pulled to what would become the day that broke my heart and shattered my spirit, I stared out in front of me for just a while longer, almost as though my me’ness knew. I reluctantly carried on walking, and as I had done on so many days before, I prayed for my boogeyman and I prayed for me. I prayed for our “us.” That us and the we that made us family. The us and the we that would be broken from that moment on, only, I didn’t know the magnitude of it all at that very moment.

I was not quite sure how my life would go on without my us and we, and I desperately feared my meetings with my mornings and with my nights after encountering The Afterwards. I wasn’t even sure I’d survive the stormy, untaught days without them, my us and my we. I walked slowly and listened to the cars that continued to mow down the streets. I listened to the friendly, habitual chatter of my neighbors. In the distance, children a little younger than I was, were squealing and dogs were barking, just as they always did. “It was true,” I thought as my tears had begun to roll carelessly from my eyes, “The world did not stop for my muddled heart, my shattered spirit and my us and my we.” I glanced over at my wristwatch, and was disappointed that it had continued to tick. It wasn’t fair that the universe continued to carry on as normal. It wasn’t fair that it couldn’t see how afraid I was. It wasn’t fair that it wouldn’t stop for just a moment, as I navigated my way through what was to be my journey into The Afterwards.

I couldn’t quite figure out how it had not lost even a second, and how perfectly set my wrist watch had remained. If it had told me that it was ten minutes earlier, or five minutes later, I would know that the grand-master of time had felt it too, and that it had been affected by my walk into The Afterwards just as much. I felt betrayed by time, and I was annoyed at the world who was supposed to become immobile for just a moment, and commiserate with the heartbroken pieces of me. How could it not sense my immense soreness? I wanted to rip it from my wrist, and hurl it onto the sidewalk, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

How dare the world continue to turn, and mislead one more heart, making empty promises of tomorrows without The Afterwards in i? As I tried to put my scattered thoughts in place, I whimpered silently. With all the strength I could gather, I placed one foot in front of the other, frantic not to lose my nerve and face The Afterwards head on, if I must. 

As I reached into The Afterwards, my broken heart had turned into just another number, in a world polluted with brokenness. For my walk into The Afterwards, the world did not stop, and the universe refused to apologize. For my introduction to The Afterwards, people would not speak kinder words or tread gentler around people like me. For The Afterwards, the trees would not keep their leaves in autumn, and the flowers would not continue to blossom in winter. For The Afterwards, the earth would not move slightly off his axis, and the stars would not conjure up a new plan for my life, and bring me back to a time before boogeymen and monsters. Just for the survival of my broken heart, I wouldn’t be going home again, and the we and the us won’t be putting all my crushed pieces back together. It had to be me. It was always for me to look The Afterwards squarely in the eye, summon up all my strength and muster up my last ounce of courage, because I had been called to a war most people never would be.

Alex :D<

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Unlearning The Bad

From the moment I’ve had the ability to think for myself, I have been keenly aware of strangers, having met me for the first time, complimenting me on how I was raised.

What a good person you are, Alex. You have such a beautiful way about you, Alex. You are so kind, Alex. Your manners are impeccable, Alex, and so it goes on and on.

But, what they don’t know is that my me’ness came about after unlearning all that which I was modeled around. What they don’t know is that my healing began once I discarded all I was trained to be from a very young age.

What they could never understand is how I’ve had to be consciously aware of every step I took, every word I spoke and every new habit I adopted. What they don’t know is that I was never raised to be the person I am today, instead, something inexplicable took over, and molded me into who I am right now.

I’ve had to unlearn so much and learn that which made me feel good about myself. I’ve had to learn that which brought me to a place where I could function normally within a society that will never know how I’ve had to raise myself.

I’ve had to consciously raise my son and daughter on instinct alone. I have loved and cared for them by following a heart that knew the way. I stepped up, and stepped out of what could have turned me into them, by teaching myself the exact opposite.

I am not them, and bar for our genetic relations, no-one in the world would ever have the privilege of comparing me to those I share DNA with.

If someone tells you how fabulous you are, it’s not because of who raised you; it’s despite of who raised you.

Be proud of yourself. God stepped in and took over.

Alex :D<

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One Morning, You’ll Wake Up Different


If you had told me a week before I woke up different that I would be stronger, braver and determined to banish my monsters back into the abyss, this time without me and my sisters, I would never have believed you.

I was afraid, I was complicit, I thought I was loved, but more than anything, I loved the boogeyman.

But, one morning I woke up different, and so will you.

You will be removed from those against you when you figure out who those are that serve you.
You will no longer care about those who watch from the sidelines, unable to commit to picking a side. Those that pretend not to know, not to hear and not to see.
You will discard all that no longer offers you peace.
You will value your opinion more – others won’t matter so much.
Your only validation will come from you, no-one else.
Loyalty will first be for you.
You will reclaim the you that was once stolen from you, and from the world. You will reclaim your heart, body, mind and soul. You will eventually reclaim your joy and your happiness. You will ultimately reclaim that inner you that was stolen by the monsters of your days and of your nights.
More than anything, for the remainder of your life, you will remember that you were called to a war, many others weren’t.

#thebook #theafterwards #alexjones #victimtowarrior #braverthaniam #braverthanithought #madeforbrave #madeforcourage #madeforlife #childabuse #childabuseawareness #childabusesurvivor #truestory #epicreads #childhood #forgiveness #unforgiveness #myvillage #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #ihavelife #braverthaniusedtobe

Please, Walk Gently In The Lives Of Others

Please, walk gently into the lives of others.

 For the weak, I ask that you walkgently into the lives of others, for the path of destruction left behind before you may be hidden from your view.

Born in an era and a time when shame was found in the littlest of things, it was important to maintain a normaland socially acceptable image that wouldn’t be frowned upon in public. Words of shameful acts were never spoken of, and stories of monsters amongst us were never told. Instead, the portrayal of a perfect family, with perfect values and morals became the only story known to the outside world.

The Afterwards is a story recounting true events around surviving a series of traumatic incidents, only to discover that what happens afterwards is so much more unforgiving and cruel than the actual events; than ‘the thing.’ The promise that ‘the thing’ is over; that nothing could harm me from that moment on, is so far from the reality of what takes place afterwards. Afterwards is where the true trauma and unbearable pain begins. 

The inability to be forgiven by those that I have loved the most continues to live inside of me and I am convinced, will continue on for years to come. 

The inability to accept that the guilt was not mine to carry, will haunt me forever. The anger and fear still consumes me. 

The Afterwards is where the true heartache begins. It is where the realjourney begins. It will always be where it all began and where the realdevastation began.

The years that have passed, have not lessened the guilt. The Afterwards lingers; it never goes away. It never leaves. It never heals. It can never be anything else, and it will never evolve into something else. There is nothing after The Afterwards. It is where the end begins.

It was always the beginning of the end.


Alex Jones


In this book, I write about the incredible journey my soul undertook to find the answers that were plaguing my every thought as a child, and later, overwhelmed me as an adult.

I talk about my desperate search for answers during an anger phase that was untaught to me from the circumstances I reluctantly found myself in. My torment and agony as a child led me to question all that I thought I knew and believed to be true as I began to pay attention to ‘the fight inside,’ and ignore how people thoughtI should cope.

My story about apprehension and acceptance come from a place inside me; one I prayed that Lily and Lisa would find someday. It may be that they too, were asking these haunting questions. They too, might have been searching for a way out of an ambush. But, they never found it.

The abuse is referred to as ‘The Thing.’

The period after the abuse is referred to as ‘The Afterwards.’

Alex’s father is referred to as ‘The Boogeyman’ and the men of the night, along with their actions as ‘The Monsters.’