My Village

All that you are, and all that you will ever be, and wherever you might be, my soul will recognize yours.

– Alex Jones

We have all experienced unexpected, but astonishing meetings with people who enter our lives and alter our existence entirely from that moment forward; a stranger that had evolved into a close and trustworthy friend who was later viewed as a sister or brother, perhaps a mother or father. 

They become enormous parts of our lives and their presence alone improves the eminence of our lives tremendously. It almost seems that it is a meeting of souls that have possibly met once before. I knowthis person; my soul feelsit. 

So, is it in reality an unanticipated meeting? What I have learntis that these celestialconnections show up straight from divinity. It feelsas though our spiritual realms grow, and as these divine connections begin to happen more often, it’s almost as though life has appointedthem into our lives. 

Once again, and through these associations, I have been reminded to trustblindly. Placing people onto our path, whether it is only for a brief moment or time, or whether it is for an eternity, it’s unquestionably here to reach us with a message. 

I reflect back to some thirty years since my childhood; to a time that all that was wrong was meant to be put right, the moment that my afterwards had begun. I recall many, many people that have crossed paths with me at a time that I probably needed it the most; a time I now identify as a time I would be lost without them.

While some have faded into the past, others have remained steadfast behind me while still extraordinarily present in my future. But, with each connection that was made, a divine purpose was served forand withinme. 

Each brought along a contribution of spiritual growth and brought me a step closer to freeing myself from the restraints of my childhood. Each one carried a message for me, teaching me to pay attention to each person I meet; to take note of a message and to not be so quick to dismiss someone. If someone tries to befriend me, I let them. Messages to my soul have reached me in people I would never have expected to hearthem from. 

At the same time, I too understand that I mustbe consciously aware of toxic and dark souls which the fight in me will begin to dilute when it does not want them forme. 

We must listen; we get feelings of discomfort and uneasiness about someone, we just don’t always understand them. Here too, we mustpay attention and take note of the signs. 

We knowto keep our distance from those that have hurt and abused us; those who cause divisions and chaos amongst good people, so the moment we identify such a person, it is important to separate from them. 

So too, as I moved closer to the inner me, a number of my friends had begun to separate from me. Was that the warrior’s way of filtering them out? 

One of the most wearisome tasks I had to embark upon for myself was to distinguish between the people I hadto weed out and allowto be removed from my life. 

Some were emotionally distressing; I had loved and cared for them and the loss was felt for a long while after they had left, while others left behind a comforting relief after I had bid them farewell. 

We were no longer speaking the same language and we were no longer serving one another. It was time to let them go and cherish those that had remained behind. 

Although initially, much can be in common with one another; when we are no longer on the same page as the other, the friendship is bound to end. 

But divine friendships remain about each other. It is unselfish and understands the purpose of a true friendship. It does not mean that these friendships will be around forever; it simply means that it will thrive until the purpose for that friendship is fulfilled. 

We must learn from these friendships; listen to the messages they bring and identify the role these friendships play in our lives. As we must learn from friendships, so too must we teach and perhaps, allowour souls to send much-needed messages to other souls. 

As I started paying closer attention to friendships, I discovered how straightforward it was to distinguish between the good and the not-so-good friendships that had come into my life. 

Friends that chose me based on what I could offer made it impossible for me to value the friendship. Only once I was chosen while knowingthat I had nothing of materialistic value to offer, did I find true blessings from a friend. 

I swiftly discovered that friendships that were acquainted with my past and accepted me for what had happened and for what I had once lived, were the kind of friends I wantedaround me. 

I was secure in their presence and there was no need to hide behind a mask around them. These were the people I could trust and rely on. They were patient and kind and made me feel as though I mattered; as though I was an exceptionally vital part of their lives. 

But, friendships also take care of our souls; they nurture us, and they guard us against darkness even though we fail to recognize it. 

They are honest and fear for our safety. They tell us the truth about ourselves that we don’t necessarily wantto hear. They connect not with us, but with our souls.